Monday, June 1, 2009

St. Thomas Experience Day #2

The second day I was very emotional. All of the changes were finally hitting me. We both were somewhere neither one of us was comfortable with. So we decided to go see what it was really like. We found a cute little irish pub that served breakfast. That was a good breakfast and it helped lift our spirits. After that we went down to the Ferry, which was only like a 3 minute walk. It was $5 per Person one way. So $20 round trip. We rode the ferry across to St. John. We walked around on the beach right by the ferry for a while, talking about how many things are not what we expected. Also that we were disappointed in some things that we had already experienced. We both did not like the condo that was provided for us. We both felt like Eric (the owner) was a bit rude and very distant compared to how he was over the phone. From there we decided, why not visit a nice beach and go explore some. We took a taxi to Trunk Bay, the taxi cost $6 per person. Admission to Trunk Bay was $4 each, because it is National Park Preserved area. Exploring that beach was nice, but also our first experience of tropical rain and tropical (nasty) Mosquitoes. About an hour after we arrived at the beach, we got rained out and eaten to almost insanity, so we left. Another $6 per person on the taxi to get back to the Ferry. Too far to walk and the road is not safe to walk on. So we take the ferry back and return to St. Thomas late afternoon. We talked about going over to Fatboys to introduce ourselves. We re-introduced ourselves to Chris the Manager. Then Introduced ourselves to the two people that were there for the Kitchen. Only one person works in the kitchen at a time, so were just there during a shift change, got lucky and met them then. We met Joe and Kelly. Both very nice people. Shortly after that the other person working in the kitchen arrived, he was new so in training. Tory talked to Chris for a bit while I chatted with the kitchen staff. Tory found out that he needed to make a schedule for the next week. So the Joe and I joined to conversation. We all talked about who is available when and when shifts start and end. From there we went back to the condo to change and find a place to eat. At this point Neither one of us remembers where we ate. I think it might have been Pizza at a Local bar. At this moment that is what I remember of Day #2

Friday, May 29, 2009

St. Thomas Experience Day #1

So this is my way of keeping the memories of our time in St. Thomas U.S.V.I. So lets start from the beginning.
We arrive in the St. Thomas airport around 9:30 pm and claim all but one bag. We go let American Airlines know it didn't arrive. With the luggage we have we catch a taxi to our destination. Fatboys is the Restaurant we will be working at and we are supposed to meet our boss there. As we are riding to the restaurant I feel many mixed emotions. Sadness that we are away from home, tiredness from traveling all day. A little anxiety, the taxi driver is a little on the crazy side. We arrive in front a building that looks pretty nice. I see a sign for Fatboys, but not sure where it is actually located. we unload all our luggage, 5 suitcases at this point. We decide to try the stairs over to the left because everything else is closed. We arrive at the top of the stairs to a picture on the door in front of a very fat man jumping into the water with a shark under him saying, "oh man now I have lost my appetite!" It kinda cartoonish, sorta funny. We walk into the bar suitcases in hand. We know from conversation to ask for Chris. Okay so we meet Chris he offers us free food and drink and says " Eric will be here soon". (Eric is the boss man) We eat and the food is good, but we are tired so well wouldn't taken much for us to say it was good. We had margaritas and waited, and waited. Getting close to 11pm and we are tired, still no Eric. So Tory asks Chris if he can call him cause we are waiting for him to show us the Condo we will be living in so we can rest after a long day of travel. Eric finally shows up 11:45 ish with his business partner Zach. Okay so I personally don't mind that they had, had a few drinks, but they drive up beers in hand. We load up our luggage and head up the hill behind Fatboys. Lug all of our bags up to our Condo and stand and talk for a bit. We admit that we are really tired and ask if we can talk tomorrow. Eric says " I am leaving on Friday so I will be busy, just ask Chris any questions you may have. You don't have to work until Monday unless you want to. The schedule is covered until then. So at this point I am thinking why was it such a big deal to get us down here so quickly if he is leaving on Friday? I brush it a side and figure it will be okay and to not worry about the little things. Zach and Eric say goodnight and we start to settle in. We find our pillows and crawl into bed. So looking back at that day as I tell it, I see that the "Red Flags" start popping up early in this experience. At the time I just felt generally concerned but nothing was sounding really bad yet. As I continue on this Chronicling of our adventure the "red flags" pop up more often and then eventually tip the scales of Cons versus Pros. Stay tuned there will be more!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In Shock!

Today, Tory and I got laid off from Sunrise Ranch! We are both in shock, but in some way sort of expected it to happen. Things we are grateful for; Tory accepted a job recently from Panera Bread. He starts that job Tuesday, just in time! I am still doing Massage as long as I get Registered before June! I will be searching for a job to replace Sunrise Ranch. I feel kind of complacent about the whole situation at this moment! I refuse to let this keep Tory and I from getting Married! So many people let money run their life and decisions. We are working on just making it through each day! On the up side we have our tents rented, our port-o-lets rented and Tory's Doublet ordered! I am going to go enjoy the rest of my day! stay tuned for the next episode of life as we know it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Beginning Entry!

I have created this blog to help me keep my sanity and keep others updated on what is going on my life while Tory and I plan our wedding and continue to live real life in the mean time!
Today as I get ready to leave to go do a massage, of course as I do. I decide to create a blog and not have much time to put anything on it! SO here is the short version to start out on this journey. We started planning our wedding in Oct. 08'. So I think in my head that we have plenty of time, which we do, but I am a procrastinator. I inevitably wait to do thing way too long. On some thing I started way too early which turns out to be a good thing. So far we have reserved a great location, some how by miracle have wonderful friends that have agreed to be our attendants, One of our friends has a father that does Photography and has agreed to shoot our wedding Pro Bo no! For which I am so excited and grateful! Starting on my dress, which my mother has so graciously offered to make, as is one tradition in my family that I am following! With Holiday cards I sent out Save The Date cards and other than that we have all of the rest to do! As time keeps ticking we will do our best to keep up with all the rest that needs to be done. My goal for my next blog is to write about real life outside of wedding planning!